Hărți ale Marii Britanii generate cu AI pentru un concurs Deviant Art dedicat tweed-ului.
Map of UK made from tweed, where major cities are buttons and the sea are blue silk. The continental Europe is made from flax and cotton.
also integrated in the video A Nerd Initiative for Social Integration of Artificial Intelligence launched today with a reel about… tweed (Sometime, the tweed and the football was iconic for Britons. Today, just the tweed is. :D)
@ni_si_ai A Nerd Initiative for Social Integration of Artificial Intelligence launched today with a reel about… tweed (Sometime, the tweed and the football was iconic for Britons. Today, just the tweed is. :D)
♬ original sound ni_si_ai
EN Tweed is originally from Scotland. At the beginning it was a good country cloth for working outside. In the 19th century, tweed was still for active people. Such images were possible, but in reality they are only AI creations. The truth is that only later, after the apparition of denim, the tweed was appropriated by the nobles.
RO Tweed-ul este originar din Scoția. La început era o pânză țărănească bună pentru lucrul afară. În secolul al XIX-lea, tweed-ul era încă pentru oamenii activi. Astfel de imagini au fost posibile, dar în realitate sunt doar creații AI. Adevărul este că abia mai târziu tweed-ul a fost însuşit de către nobilimea rurală. from ni_si_ai – A Nerd Initiative for Social Integration of Artificial Intelligence